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Author: traceyv

Thermal Imaging May Help Fruits, Veggies Stay Fresher Longer

Before your favorite produce arrives at the grocery store, it must be carefully harvested and maintained across long stretches of time. A recent University of Georgia review suggests new temperature measuring technologies could make that process much simpler, amid growing agricultural challenges fueled by fluctuating climates.

Monitoring Poultry Footpad Dermatitis with Machine Vision Technology

Footpad dermatitis (FPD) is a common poultry condition that can negatively influence chickens’ production, welfare, and health. FPD also called pododermatitis, is a widespread condition affecting broilers and laying hens. It is characterized by the development of inflammatory lesions, ulcers, and necrotic tissue on the plantar surface of the chickens’ feet. The FPD condition is […]
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Precision Ag Field Day to be held Wednesday, October 16th in Athens

precision-ag-field-day graphic

A Precision Ag Field day will take place on the front lawn of Driftmier Engineering Center, located on D.W Brooks Drive/Agriculture Drive, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on October 16th.  The rain date is October 17th.

The field day will include displays of state-of-the-art equipment used in precision agriculture, equipment under development by UGA graduate students and faculty, and an opportunity to meet members of the new student Precision Ag Club as well as the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers student chapter.  The Fountain Wars student club will conduct a demonstration.

For more information, please contact Dr. George Vellidis.

UGA Receives $10 Million Grant to Fund National GenAI Center

A $10 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences was awarded to the University of Georgia’s GenAI center, a research and development space aimed at establishing best practices for generative artificial intelligence use in middle school science classrooms.

New Integrative Precision Ag Student Club Holds First Meeting


Members of the newly formed Integrative Precision Ag (IPA) Student Club had their first official meeting on Tuesday, September, 17. Approximately 45 people attended (20 in Athens, 16 in Tifton and 6 via Zoom).

Enthusiasm was high with the students indicating that networking and opportunities for professional and personal development (workshops, industry contacts, career counseling, etc.) are high on their list of expectations for the club.

Congratulations to Dr. Lorena Lacerda (faculty sponsor) and all of the students for a successful launch!

The IPA Student Club is open to both undergrads and graduate students.

For more information, please contact Dr. Lacerda.