Drs. Vellidis & Virk Talk Precision Ag on UGA’s Cultivating Curiosity Podcast

On the first-ever travel episode of UGA CAES’s Cultivating Curiosity podcast, hosts Jordan Powers and Emily Davenport head to Tifton, Georgia to visit with Drs. George Vellidis and Simer Virk, both faculty in the University of Georgia’s Department of Crop and Soil Sciences.
Listen in to learn what digital technology is involved with integrative precision agriculture (IPA – the science, not the beer!) and how the data produced helps growers make better decisions, save resources and improves sustainability for producers and the planet.
In addition, the podcast hosts produced a mini episode in which they talked with Drs. Vellidis and Virk to discuss what to expect out of the first Integrative Precision Agriculture Conference, which will be held at the University of Georgia May 18 and 19. Listen in to learn how global industry leaders and researchers will collaborate on the most critical issues facing crop and animal production at this inaugural event.